My old man was a foundation building high school football coach over the final quarter of the 20th century. He taught and coached from the fall of 1972 until he retired upon his immediate eligibility to do so in the spring of 1999. It was a unique career compared to most coaches at the high school and collegiate level. He taught and coached his entire career in the same community where he grew up, at the junior high and high school he attended (and where his sons would follow, and never lived more than three miles from either campus. He knew most of the same people in his 1st grade class of 1956 that he did in high school 12 years later.
When he decided to retire the world was already on the verge of a violent shift. The internet was still an infant and social media wasn’t yet a thing. September 11, iPhones, chip cards, and artificial intelligence, etc. weren’t central to the public discourse. We didn’t talk about non-GMO, gluten free, non-dairy, food allergies, organic vs processed back then. No one really talked about mental health therapy, self-help, recovery, etc. I don’t remember many folks talking about long term planning for life after retirement or what they’d do after they blew their last practice whistle. It was a fundamentally different world than today.
I really loved the atmosphere on autumn Friday nights. There’s a thrill and obsession that builds all summer and throughout the football season. Being part of that history, the sounds, the color, the ritual was intoxicating, and it felt like home, and he had a pretty good team coming back that, for the first time in nearly a decade, didn’t count me or my younger brothers on the squad. I thought he’d appreciate a year with a good team and without the pressure of having a son donning a chin strap.
He was done though. He’d had enough. The amateur athletic environment was rapidly changing. The familial and communal construct of an ancestral home place was imagined. As soon as he retired it was over and we never went back to that place again.
I witnessed how difficult the immediate transition was for him. He’d turned up every day on the second floor for hall duty at 6:40am and taught weight lifting and physical education for years. Even on winter afternoons the weight room was always open in between football and baseball season and all of a sudden, he wasn’t any part of that grind anymore. Now what?
Everyone has moments where the world dramatically shifts and everything is suddenly different. Tomorrow won’t be like yesterday ever again. It can be impossibly hard to process. Those moments in time alter everything in your world mentally, physically, emotionally, and physiologically.
My dad’s experience created a deep learned empathy for people making life altering transitions and helping business owners transition out of their businesses is eerily similar. We’ve worked with hundreds of business owners through a company sale and transition into retirement or a new business venture. Serial entrepreneurs always have some concept brewing in the basement. For most, after years of grinding it out, plowing the field, and praying for rain, it may be time for a more dramatic shift out of the daily operational routine.
External change requires a shift in perception.
How to Prep for Transition
Identity – It can be an immediate & shocking shift in perception. Who are you now? For years, you’ve introduced yourself with what you do. Think about the story you’re telling. Who do you want to be now? If you’ve closely identified with your business, it may be a tricky separation. People are complex and are more than their work. It may be helpful to start thinking now about what you’ll do and who you’ll be. It’ll help to eliminate confusion and frustration as retirement becomes more routine.
Foresight – Pre-retirement. Plan now for what you’ll want to do. Trips around the globe? Plan now. That property you’ve had your eye on? Start the process for real estate acquisition. Identify upcoming events, people, holidays, seasons, and work you’re excited about and will greet with anticipation and spirit. Whatever it is that you’ve always wanted to do, take the initiative and aggressively start planning now.
Ambitions – What are your goals? You’ve always had goals. Grades, athletic achievement, bank accounts, weight loss, etc. and most business owners have business projections for the coming year. Now we transition into personal projections. Again, it’s a shift in perception. It’s the same process as always, it’s only more personal. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to set workout goals, travel goals, reading goals, investment goals, new skills?
Consult – Maturity often comes with time and a lot of reps. It’s why experience carries immeasurable value. Your life and business experience have value to those who don’t have it. It’s quite possible you’ll be asked to stay on board post transition as a consultant to help the new team adjust. We always encourage business owners to be flexible and open to any possibility post-closing and we’ll help define those possibilities throughout the transactional process.
Labor – Keep moving. Humans are not built to sit around all day. Our bodies are meant to move. If you felt like your business kept you from physical exercise, now’s the time to make up for it. You don’t need a gym membership or a personal trainer to start. Open the garage door and take a walk down the street for an hour. Pushups and body squats are great. Whatever you do, do it with vigor.
Foundation – Family structure, civic organizations, volunteering, friends outside of your old business, etc. The foundation of happiness and overall health is built on the relationships you cultivate. Building and maintaining a community of friends will give you a higher percentage change of long-term healthy longevity.
Transitioning out of business ownership is really hard. We’d be lying to you if we said otherwise. That’s one of a myriad of reasons why it’s a good idea to speak with teams like us at S&P Capital Partners early and often. We specialize in empathy and will always give 100% of our effort to representing your hard work, effort, and best interests before, throughout, and long after the transaction is closed. Reach out today. We’d be happy to help start the conversation.